søndag den 29. juni 2014

Sims 3 - Desperate Housewives - I play, Pt. 1

Hello everyone

Today i'd like to throw in a new segment

A series called I Play,
((Desperate Housewives that is))

Of course it's the sims 3 but not just sims 3!

I made The Desperate Housewives of Wisteria Lane!
And i will play with them and tell you how it goes.

This first part will be:
((Drumroll please))

The Van De Kamps.

Now remember this is old school Van De Kamps befor Rex **SPOILER ALERT** died!

Here's a pic

''I remember the easy confidence of her smile, the gentle elegance of her hands, the refined warmth of her voice. But what I remember most about Bree was the look of fear in her eyes. Bree had started to realize her world was unraveling. And for a woman who despised loose ends, that was unacceptable.''

Now if you don't know The Van De Kamps let me introduce you.

Bree: The mother and loving wife who spends her days at home gardening cooking and drinking

Rex: The careless husband who is always searching for a conflict when it comes to the kids their marriage and pretty much everything else

Danielle: The daughter who is always looking for love the wrong places and always getting in a fight with her mother

Andrew: The homosexual son who is always hating on his mother and dosen't talk to her much.

Their house can be gotten here
Now i will state that there are better replicas out there but i never seem to have the required expansion packs.

Chapter: 1,

Of course we start the game on a sunday ((Like Always)) So bree invites her freind Lynette over for a cup of coffee

Lynette and her family:

Lynette used to see herself as a career woman. And a hugely successful one at that. She was known for her power lunches, her eye-catching presentations and her ruthlessness in wiping out the competition. Lynette gave up her career to assume a new label: the incredibly satisfying role of full-time mother.

Lynette And Bree Talking

Of course they had a blast Bree is quite the hostess!

It's already 16:00! That's cooking time. Bree always serves her dishes perfectly sometimes even taking 4 hours.

Bree went out of her way to cook them Grilled Salmon for dinner and Lime Pie for dessert!

Everything is just how she expected; perfect!

Bree cooking
The family dinner is enjoyed outdoors
It's bedtime for the kids!

Danielle and Andrew go to bed at exactly 22:00 but not for Bree and Rex they have an hour to ''connect''

But not today Rex seems distant and simply dosen't want to but that was not acceptable!
Rex refuses to cuddle
Rex sleeps on the couch

Aaaand that's it for this time next time we continue witH!
((Drumroll please))

The Solis's

Gabrielle ''Gaby'' Solis was a drowning woman, desperately searching for a life raft. Luckily for her, she found one. Of course, Gabrielle only saw her young gardener as a way to infuse her life with a little excitement. But now she was about to discover just how exciting her life could get.

fredag den 13. juni 2014

Riverview Road Part: 1 Meet, Elizabeth Landon.

Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Elizabeth Landon

She lives in the sleepy town of Riverview and the whole town knows her, but she has no clue!

She resides on the lane Riverview Road where nothing exciting ever happens, but that was about to change!

Yes, Elizabeth was famous, famous for being a desperate desperate and hopless romantic. She was also known for how unlucky she was and how clumsy she always were, but what Elizabeth really wanted to be known for was her writing skills. Elizabeth was very VERY good at writing fairytales but noone ever bought her books and she had no idea why.

One day when Elizabeth was reading one of her favorite books she heard a car outside and she couldn't believe her own ears. Almost noone lived on Riverview road, only Mrs. Watson who never went out Darryn and Amy who didn't even own a car, and then there where the Culps who were known for being paranoid and scared of even opening the window so when Elizabeth heard that car she rushed to the window

And there they were, the faces that she had never seen before. She couldn't believe it! She had new neighboors! She wouldn't mess this up. Maybe she had a chance of getting a real freind so she ran over there to introduce herself. When she got there she took a closer look at them and she realised that she knew the woman in the skirt! She was Margeret Harris possibly the most succesfull businesswoman of all time. ''Your Margeret Harris!'' Elizabeth said and hoped she didn't just emberass herself. This could be her only chance to become freinds with a woman like her. They had so much in common! She couldn't mess this up!

Read more about Elizabeth next time!


Just a fun Look-a-Like of Superwoman and Bella Goth from the sims 4, Nothing else.

Hello everyone

I know i haven't posted in ages but i just wanted to post something short

It made me laugh when i first saw it but it's worth sharing.

So... if you don't know them then the girl in front of the green is Superwoman from YouTube

And the girl in front of the blue is Bella Goth from the sims 4

This is just a silly little look-a-like nothing else. i'm not a wierdo who thinks that there is some connection.
I Honestly just wanted the picture out there


fredag den 18. april 2014

**New Sim*' DOWNLOD LINK - Jamie Jones The Rebel ~By DawnSea

Hi everyone!

Today i have exciting news

A NEW SIM! And it is also avalible for download

Have a look!


Commitment issues


Rebelious ((This trait came with generations))



Custom Content ((Not included))

Skin by brntwaffles ((Non-default))

Eyes by elexis

Hair by plumb-bombs ((Shine bomb T-EF))

Outfit by jocker

Shoes by modish kitten

Eyeshadow by lady frontbum ((Romance))

Lipstick also by elexis

'' How do i download this sim?''

Go to your documents then to Electronic Arts then to The Sims 3 then to SavedSims then drag and drop the file into SavedSims

onsdag den 16. april 2014

Sims 3 Favorite Custom Content

Hello Everyone

Today i will link my favorite custom content

And believe me IT WAS HARD!

But here they are

Sjokosims Crazy love

Anubis Layered Dress


S-club Sweet honey ((N35))


Lady frontbum Candy crush

Elexis Watercolour

Lady Frontbum busty st. Claire
That's that i hope you like this cc too :)

fredag den 14. februar 2014

**ANOTHER!** Where have i been ~ No new sim? ~

Hello everyone and i am writing to you covered in sheets pillows and potato chips


And i am sick of it

Oh wait...

Well first i was just lazy but now i am actully sick and i am kind of worried about myself... That's bad

Also all of my CC is gone... and my saves.... And my towns... Pretty much every store item was removed so the sims i will make from now on may not look as good as they use too BUT!

I still have some old sims but i am saving those

Bye gys!


onsdag den 29. januar 2014

Minecraft Modern Beach house ~By DawnSea

Hello everyone and welcome to another Minecraft post

This is a post about a modern beach house i built

I am really proud of this house so i hope you will like is as well

Do you like it?? Do you :D

I do at least and i am really proud of it

Okay that's it for now i will see you tomorrow

Bye bye 


Random Sim dump #2 - Selina Kyle **The Cat** ~ By DawnSea

Hello everyone and welcome back!

This is another Random Sim dump because i haven't gotten around to finsihing the big project

This is Selina Kyle A.K.A. catwoman

Now keep in mind that this is the dark knight version ((If you are a batman fan))

And since this is a random sim dump i still only have one screenshot of her

But that's it for today i will see you all later 


tirsdag den 28. januar 2014

Random Sim dump #1 - Ursula Lundgreen ~ By DawnSea

Hello everyone

This is a new series i am going to start called random Sim dump

I will try to find random screenshots from my old folder Sim Dump's if i haven't gotten around to anything new

So here she is her name is Ursula Lundgreen and i made her for Aurora Skies

So this is her and i only have one screenshot and it will stay that way for random sim dumps

Bye bye

~ DawnSea

søndag den 26. januar 2014

Minecraft - Where have i been? -

Hello everyone!

It's me DawnSea and i know it's been a long time and i'm so sorry


I'm working on something big so be patient!

Daily posts will ((Hopefully)) continue

But i don't have a sim for you today

So untill tomorrow here is a screenshot from Minecraft!

((I made it look realistic with the shaders mod and the animated player mod))

onsdag den 8. januar 2014

Wonder Woman **Diana Prince** ~by DawnSea

Hello everyone and welcome back

I hope you are having an awesome week so far i am

And yesterday i got the sims 3 MOVIE STUFF!

God that made my week

So since there is a superhero theme i decided to make...

Wonder Woman! Or... Diana Prince.... her alter ego

Whatever you prefer

I hope you enjoyed her she was very fun to make she was different! :)


tirsdag den 7. januar 2014

Daisy Dylan **The Cute Nerd**

Hello everyone

This is my cute nerd sim

I've seen a lot of simmers making sims in this category so...

Why not?

Here she is

Daisy Dylan **A.K.A. The shy flower**

mandag den 6. januar 2014

Mille & Samantha **Inspired by diamonddx**

Hello everyone

It's me DawnSea

And today i would like to talk about **Or write about**

Diamonnddx's lookbook video on YouTube

The first one at least

If you don't know who she is you can find her here

And the video i will be talking about can be found here

That video was so creative and fun

Because in this lookbook she put some outfits together for not only your sims but yourself too

And that inspired me to just show some of the outfits with tw of my brand new sims

Mille & Samantha


That is it for today i hope you enjoyed this post and i will see you guys all later


søndag den 5. januar 2014

Ariana Grande as Cat Valentine ~by DawnSea

Hello everyone

So last night our internet connection broke... i guess

So i went to play Sims and when it finally came back i still played for hours

And i ended up making a bunch of sims so i have some backup posts :D

This first one is Ariana Grande as her character in victourious Cat Valentine becuse... she is adorable

Her she is :)

And just to compare here is a picture of Cat **Ariana Grande**

I think they look a like :)

That's it for today i will see you guys later BYE!

lørdag den 4. januar 2014

How are you guys? - Current household ~ Dawnsea

Hi you guys how are you?

It's me Dawnsea and since yesterdays post was short i wnated to do something different

So today i am doing a current household!

I figured that a lot of Youtubers did it so why shouldn't i?

But i will both show you the present and the progress

It started out with a couple in Monte Vista Maggie Strong and some other guy... i can't remember his name :D Let's call him Steve

I know it's not a couple pose and you don't see Steve but this was the only picture i had where she wasn't **Spoiler alert** Pregnant so Steve will be in the next pic... and you probably see the cat to his name is Shelton

So in this picture you finally get to see Steve while holding Maggie's hand finding out that she is pregnant and it's a girl! ((I have a mod that can take you to the doctor to get that checked))

And in this picture they finally start to feel like a real familly when the little is born her name is Sarah

Whait a second... what is this? Is Maggie pregnant AGAIN!

In this picture Samuel is broght to the world and Sarah gets a new freind

And Steve propses i didn't get a picture of that but he does....

Sarah and Samuel keep their realationship strong as they both get older

Sweet! I love weddings

As Sarah and Samuel grow older they get a new cat named Misty who gets a good start with Shelton and the get three adorable kittens 

As the children gets out of the children category Sarah changes comepletely because of her actions as a child and they both go to University with Sarah's best freind Kimberly

Group picture!

Samuel growns intrest in Kimberly and starts off strong

They all get their degree and almost nothing has changed only their looks

After that they move to Sunlit Tides to visit old freinds but not just freinds... Familly this is their grandparents Julian and Kelly (( By the way this is an old picture so they don't look like this anymore

That was it my freinds i will see you all later